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You can integrate Flagsmith with Slack. Send flag change events from Flagsmith into your Slack channels.

Integration Setup

If you don't have an account with Flagsmith already, please sign up and create a new Project within Flagsmith.

  1. Go to your Flagsmith project, and click Integrations. Then click "Add Integration" by the Slack integration.
  2. Select the Environment you want to receive events for in Slack, then click "Authorise"
  3. You will be sent to Slack to authenticate your account.
  4. Once back in Flagsmith, select the Slack Channel you want to send events to.

Using the Slack App

Whenever you create, update or delete a Flag in your selected Environments, the Flagsmith Bot will send a message into your selected Slack channel detailing the changes that were made.

Privacy Policy

You can view our privacy policy here.