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The Organisations data migration option is useful when you want to migrate your Flagsmith Organisation from one location to another. It's not a useful tool to merge Flagsmith data into another Flagsmith instance, for that use-case consider feature flag importing.

If, for example, you wanted to move from self hosting Flagsmith to our SaaS version, the process looks something like this:

  • Step 1. Contact Flagsmith support to confirm you would like to migrate from self hosted to cloud
  • Step 2. Generate a JSON file from your self hosted instance (more information below)
  • Step 3. Send the JSON file to Flagsmith support
  • Step 4. Flagsmith support will import the JSON file into our cloud offering
  • Step 5. Register and re-add your users and passwords (Flagsmith support will need to assign at least one organisation administrator to the newly imported organisation)

You can import and export from any combination of self-hosted/SaaS to and from self-hosted/SaaS. If you need to go to or from our SaaS platform, you will need to get in touch with us to operate that part of the process for you.

What is exported?

We will export the following entities:

  • Projects
  • Flags
  • Segments
  • Identities
  • Integrations

We will not export the following entities:

  • Flagsmith Users that log into the Dashboard and manage Flagsmith
  • Audit logs
  • Change requests
  • Scheduled flag changes

Dealing with existing data

The data migration process is designed to import data into a completely new Organisation within the target Flagsmith instance. This target instance could be a completely new installation, or it could have existing data in it, in separate Organisations.

This process does not support importing data into an existing Organisation.


The export process involves running a command from a terminal window. This must either be run from a running container in your self hosted deployment or, alternatively, you can run a separate container that can connect to the same database as your deployed fleet of flagsmith instances. To run the command, you'll also need to find the id of your organisation. You can do this through the django admin interface. Information about accessing the admin interface can be found here. Once you've obtained access to the admin interface, if you browse to the 'Organisations' menu item on the left, you should see something along the lines of the following:


The ID you need is the one in brackets after the organisation name, so here it would be 1.

Once you've obtained the ID of your organisation, you're ready to export the organisation as a JSON file. There are 2 options as to where to output the organisation export JSON file. Option 1 - local file system, Option 2 - S3 bucket. These options are detailed below.

Option 1 - Local File System

python dumporganisationtolocalfs <organisation-id> <local-file-system-path>


python dumporganisationtolocalfs 1 /tmp/organisation-1.json

Since this will write to your local file system, you may need to attach a volume to your docker container to be able to obtain the file afterwards. There is an example docker-compose file provided below to help guide you to do this.

version: '3'
image: postgres:15.5-alpine
POSTGRES_DB: flagsmith
container_name: flagsmith_postgres
- '5434:5432'

dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
DATABASE_URL: postgresql://postgres:password@postgres:5432/flagsmith
ENV: prod
- '8000:8000'
- postgres
- postgres

dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
DATABASE_URL: postgresql://postgres:password@postgres:5432/flagsmith
- 'dump-organisation-to-local-fs'
- '1'
- '/tmp/flagsmith-exporter/org-1.json'
- postgres
- flagsmith
- postgres
- '/tmp/flagsmith-exporter:/tmp/flagsmith-exporter'

Option 2 - S3 bucket

The command you will need to run for this is slightly different as per the following.

python dumporganisationtos3 <organisation-id> <bucket-name> <key>


python dumporganisationtos3 1 my-export-bucket exports/organisation-1.json

This requires the application to be running with access to an AWS account. If you're running the application in AWS, make sure whichever role you are using to run you container has access to read from and write to the given S3 bucket. Alternatively, you can provide the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to refer to an IAM user that has access to the S3 bucket.

Using localstack to achieve local/test exports with s3 can be done using

localstack and the service-specific endpoint strategy.

Once running you are able to set a specific url for the s3 service AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 or for all services AWS_ENDPOINT_URL.


Option 1 - Local File System

This is coming soon - see for more info.

Option 2 - S3 bucket

python import-organisation-from-s3 <bucket-name> <key>


python import-organisation-from-s3 my-export-bucket exports/organisation-1.json

Using localstack to achieve local/test imports with s3 can be done using

localstack and the service-specific endpoint strategy.

Once running you are able to set a specific url for the s3 service AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 or for all services AWS_ENDPOINT_URL.