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Enterprise Edition

Flagsmith is also provided as an "Enterprise Edition" which has additional features and capabilities over the Open Source product as detailed in the Version Comparison page.

Deployment Options

We currently support the following infrastructure platforms:

If you require additional deployment options, please contact us.


We currently have the following orchestration options:

Please contact us for the relevant source code for these projects.

Docker Image Repository

The Flagsmith API Enterprise Edition is hosted with a private Docker Hub repository. To access the Docker images in this repository you will need to provide a Docker Hub account. Please get in touch if you need access to these repos.

We have 2 different Enterprise Edition Images. You can choose to use either image.

"SaaS" image (flagsmith-private-cloud)

This image tracks our SaaS build and includes additional packages:

  • SAML
  • Workflows (Change Requests and Flag Scheduling)
  • LDAP

This image also bundles the front end into the python application, meaning you don't need to run a separate front end and back end.

Enterprise Edition image (flagsmith-api-ee)

This image includes additions from the SaaS image above:

  • Oracle Support
  • MySQL Support
  • Appdynamics Integration

Environment Variables

Frontend Environment Variables

VariableExample ValueDescription
API_URLhttp://localhost:8888/api/v1The URL of the API Backend
FLAGSMITH_CLIENT_APIhttp://localhost:8888/api/v1This is where the features for the front end themselves are pulled from. Create a project within your backend and refer to flag names

Env Var: FLAGSMITH Value example: 4vfqhypYjcPoGGu8ByrBaj Description: The environment id for the FLAGSMITH_CLIENT_API project above.

Version Tags

The versions of all of our enterprise images track the versions of our Open Source version. You can view these tags here:


The application supports the use of AppDynamics for monitoring purposes. In order to set up AppDynamics for your environment follow the steps below:


There is a bug in the AppDynamics wizard that sets the value ssl = (on) which needs to be changed to ssl = on

  1. Set up your application in your AppDynamics dashboard using the "Getting Started Wizard - Python".
  2. In the wizard you will need to select the "uWSGI with Emperor: Module Directive" when choosing a deployment method
  3. On completing the wizard you will be provided with a configuration file like the one seen here in the appdynamics.template.cfg provided, except with your application information. Make a copy of this information and place it in a file.

Running with docker

When running with traditional Docker you can use the code snippet below to inject the required information for running App Dynamics

docker run -t \{image_name\} -v \{config_file_path\}:/etc/appdynamics.cfg -e APP_DYNAMICS=on

Replacing the values for:

  • {image_name}: the tagged name of the docker image you are using
  • {config_file_path}: the absolute path of the appdynamics.cfg file on your system

Running with docker-compose

When running with the docker-compose.yml file provided ensure the APP_DYNAMICS environment variable is set to on as seen below:

context: .
dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile
- \{config_file_path\}:/etc/appdynamics.cfg

Replacing the value for {config_file_path} with the absolute path of the appdynamics.cfg file on your system.

Running the command below will build the docker image with all the AppDynamics config included

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build

This image can then be run locally using the docker-compose up command as seen below

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Additional settings

If you need additional AppDynamics setup options you can find the other environment variables you can set here.

Oracle Database

Flagsmith is compatible with the Oracle database engine by configuring a few environment variables correctly. Firstly, you'll need to ensure that you have a value for DJANGO_DB_ENGINE set as oracle. Then you can set the remaining database parameters (DJANGO_DB_*) as required.

Local Testing

The following sections detail how to run the application locally using the OracleDB Docker image. If you're looking to run the application using an instance of OracleDB elsewhere, you just need to setup the environment variables correctly as per the documentation.



You will likely need to install the Oracle client on the machine running the Flagsmith API application. The instructions to do so are here.

To run the application locally using Oracle (via Docker), you need to go through a registration with your docker hub account to get access to the images. Go to and register. Once you've done that, you can run the Oracle database using docker, and we've created a docker-compose file to simplify this.

docker-compose -f up db

Once you have a database running, you'll need to set up the database and users correctly. This can be done with the following processes.

First, connect to the database itself:

sqlplus /nolog


docker-compose exec db bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; sqlplus /nolog"

Once connected, you'll need to run the following SQL commands. Note that these commands should be amended if you'd like a different password / user combination.

conn sys as sysdba;
# password is blank when asked
alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;
create user oracle_user identified by oracle_password;
grant dba to oracle_user;

Load testing


There are JMeter tests avaiable in our public repo on GitHub:


We also recommend using wrk for load testing the core SDK endpoints. Some examples of this (make sure you update URL and environment keys!)

#  Get flags endpoint
wrk -t6 -c200 -d20s -H 'X-Environment-Key: iyiS5EDNDxMDuiFpHoiwzG'

# Get flags for an identity
wrk -t6 -c200 -d20s -H 'X-Environment-Key: iyiS5EDNDxMDuiFpHoiwzG' ""

Common Installation Issues and Fixes

Front end build errors with npm ERR! errno 137

This is an out of memory error. Start the container with more RAM.